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What does it take to have a record book whitetail deer?

If you call the Boone and Crockett headquarters and ask, "Which Southern state leads in the number of B&C record book entries?" the answer will be, "Georgia is first, and Arkansas is second." However, ARKANSAS actually has more entries in the all time record book!

Arkansans have not been listing deer scoring 160+ and 185+ as much as Georgia. Let's get Arkansas the credit it deserves and start registering the 160+ & 185+ deer. Please read the following information on what it takes to have a record deer.


Boone & Crockett Club (Modern Gun)


  • Big Game AWARDS BOOK
    This publication lists ALL B&C entries that exceed the minimum of 160 typical and 185 non-typical (Approximately 1 in 10,000 bucks qualify). A wall plaque and certificate is issued to the owner by B&C. The Awards Book is Published every 3 years.

  • Records of North America Big Game: ALL TIME BOOK
    Trophies that meet the All-Time minimum of 170+ typical or 195+ non-typical will be listed in both the Awards book and the "Records of North American Big Game." A wall plaque and certificate is issued to the owner by B&C. The All-Time Record book is Published every 6 years for only B&C entries that exceed the 170 typical and 195 non-typical minimum     (Approximately 1 in 20,000 bucks qualify).


**Crossbow does not have a record book and must be listed in the corresponding B&C record book.


Pope & Young Club (Bow)

The Pope and Young Club publishes its all-time record book, Bowhunting Big Game Records of North America, every 6 years. It was last published in 2011. A certificate is issued to the bowhunter signifying the deer has been accepted into the P&Y Records Program. It is listed in the next published record book. Minimum scores for Pope and Young are: Typical 125 and Non-Typical 155


National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association (Muzzleloader)

The NMLRA publishes the Longhunter Muzzleloading Big Game Record Book about every 4 years. It was last published in 2008. Minimums for the Muzzleloader book are: Typical 130 and Non-typical 160


North American Shed Hunters Club (Sheds) 

The NASHC publishes Shed Antler Records of North American Big Game every 4-6 years. Minimums to be included are: Shed Typical 60 and Shed Non-typical 70.


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